There is a better way to manage your BIM issues

based on the IFC and BCF file format, worldwide industry standards

Integrations in Autodesk® Revit®,  Archicad®, Trimble Connect and more...

Works perfectly with Autodesk® BIM360®, Dropbox, SOLIBRI and much more...

Want to learn more? Book a FREE consulation now!

30mins BIMcollab

Meet the most versatile issue management platform in the world

BIMcollab Cloud is an issue collaboration platform for BIM, built on the widely accepted IFC and BCF open standards. BCF issues contain all relevant information enabling communication about BIM models.
BIMcollab Cloud simplifies issue management, and offers a structured way of storing, sharing and solving issue including reliable history tracking in any BIM development process.

The world's most intuitive model validation and clash detection tool

BIMcollab ZOOM brings IFC model viewing and validating fully integrated into the issue management workflow. ZOOM is the perfect tool to discuss issues in design review meetings, helps to analyse data to find design flaws and to verify solutions. Navigation is fast, intuitive and smooth, even with large models. Now with clash detection!

​Buy now or start for FREE